The FREE Lunch Referral Strategy

On this page I reveal an amazing way to combine any of the referral strategies in your report "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients" with # 24 the "Let's Party" strategy.

This strategy in its entirety is an incredibly powerful way to convert a huge percentage of your referrals into paying clients.

It's the same strategy that the super wealthy, high powered politicians and business leaders all use.

Read on to see how you can use the Free Lunch Referral Strategy to turn clients and other referral sources into paying clients...often in 2 hours or less...

Make money with autoresponders signature

presidents use the free lunch referral strategy
How do presidents and high powered business people use the
Free Lunch Strategy to persuade? Read on to find out...

wdrop free lunch referral strategyhen it really comes down to it one of the biggest hurdles you need to get over before a prospect hires you is the issue of trust.

If a prospect doesn't trust you he's not going to write you a check for $10,000 or $5,000 or even $500 no matter how great your ideas sound.

The Free Lunch Referral Strategy is an amazing way to build trust before you even sit down with a prospect...without having to send them anything or have any contact with them in any way.

It sounds crazy but as soon as I explain this to you you'll be kicking yourself at the simplicity of this.

Step 1: Offer To Buy Lunch For
A Client Or Referral Source

You can send an email, letter in the mail, a postcard or simply call on the phone.

Most people love a free lunch and if you already have a relationship with someone (a joint venture partner, a referral source or a client) they'll most likely be eager to have lunch with you...a FREE lunch is just a bonus.

free lunch referral strategy

Here's the key to this strategy...

Tell them to bring a friend...

And not just any friend.

You want them to call their best prospect for your services. Someone who could really benefit if they hired you and someone who has to cash on hand to hire you today.

You ask him to recommend you by saying something like:

"My friend is an expert at helping businesses like yours to make real sales and profits using the internet.

"I was talking to him about how he might be able to help you and with a bit of persuasion he was kind enough to offer to have lunch with us.

"He'd normally charge $xxx for a consultation...even over lunch but he's willing to talk to you as a favor for me.

"Personally I think you should hire him to help you if he's available but there's not going to be any pressure or hard sell.

"We'll just get our heads together and see if we can come up with some ideas that can help you make some more profits from your business then if you decide to hire him it's up to you.

"If not you get a free lunch."

This is powerful...

Now think about this.

Before you ever walk in the door someone has talked up your expertise and your ability to help your prospect to make them real sales and profits.

And right there with you is going to be a client, or a joint venture partner or a referral source who has confidence in you.

When you ask questions or suggest ideas you already have someone in your corner agreeing with what you say...helping you to persuade your prospect that it's in his best interests to do business with you every step of the way.

A cool twist
on this strategy...

If one of your happy clients is a restaurant owner you can have your lunches there.

That means you might have two other people in your corner talking about how wonderful you are.

And if you don't have a restaurant owner as a client then if you use this strategy a lot then it's a great opportunity for you to talk to the owner of the restaurant you go to.

Remember strategy # 4
"Make Your Money Pay" And
These 6 Other Strategies...

Offline Gold Get Paying Clients Now Report If you don't already have people willing to give you referrals then you're missing out on potentially the most profitable, highest paying, easiest to convert prospects you can get.

It's a veritable gold mine of clients.

You'll find multiple resources in the report "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients" that will help you to set up a good number of these referral sources.

Specifically see...

# 1: The Out Of The Box Referral Strategy
# 2: Joint Venture Power
# 3: My Competition Is My Friend Strategy

# 6: Let Me Give You Money
# 14: Follow The Leader
# 24: Let's Party

Your Email To
Get The Ball Rolling

To get the ball rolling you'll want to send an email or make a phone call to the people you know who are already willing to give you referrals.

free lunch email

Here's an email you can customize and start sending right away.

What you say on the phone will be very similar to this...

Subject: Let me buy you and a friend lunch

Hi [firstname],

I appreciate you sending me referrals [agreeing to send me referrals] to business owners who might benefit from my services.

What I'd like to do is to go to lunch with you and the person you think could benefit the most from the services I offer. 

My treat.

There won't be any hard sell. I'll just ask some questions to see if I can find a way to genuinely help his business and your friend can ask all the questions he'd like to as well.

If you'd like to do this just give me a call on xxxx or reply to this email and we can set up the details.

Yours sincerely,
xxx xxx

If the lunch goes well you don't have to stop at one prospect!

You can offer to buy lunch again immediately after your lunch date.

Either way you should call, email or write to thank your referral source for their trust in you setting up the lunch and for their company.

You Don't Even
Need To Buy Lunch

You might think "what do I do if the prospect lives in another town or another country?"

That's not difficult.

Free lunch referral strategy 3 way phone call

You can set up a conference call by telephone or Skype where you and your referral source talk on the same line.

I hope you found something valuable in this strategy you can use.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Cavanagh, CEO
Co founder

P.S. It's really important you take action on this.

Knowledge without action is useless.

If you don't already have some good referral sources who would be willing to bring a friend to lunch then go back to the report "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients" and use the some of the 6 strategies listed above to set some up.

If you do have referral sources then send some emails or make some phone calls today while the idea is hot and exciting for you.

The one trait I've seen in people who make serious money is that they implement good ideas FAST.

Below you may find some resources that are useful to you...

1. "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients Package"

Offline Gold Get Paying Clients Now Report 5 years of experience and live testing went into creating the 80 page Offline Gold report "25 Different Ways To Get Paying Clients".

In this report I reveal more strategies than you'll ever need to land paying clients.

And because I know most internet marketers are terrified of using the phone or talking in person I've given you 14 strategies you can start using right now with email or regular mail. Includes a 2 hour audio and more...
Get Paying Clients Now

2. From Offline Store Front To Online Gold Report

From Offline Store Front To Online Gold: Offline Gold Report
This 43 page report reveals a step by step system for turning an offline store front display into a long term online cash stream.

You can charge brick and mortar businesses $500+ to explode their sales from walk past traffic.

Best of all this system works like gangbusters even without a website.  If you can write an email you can use the system revealed in this report...
From Offline Store Front To Online Gold

3. Offline Gold Offers Unleashed Report
FREE Bonus
Offline Gold Offers Unleasehd FREE Bonus Report Presenting a series of strategically designed offers in an online business or a brick and mortar business can create 2-7 times the sales and 2-20 times the profits.

When you purchase the Offers Unleashed package at the link below you'll get the Offline Gold Offers Unleashed report completely FREE.

Discover a whole range of strategies you can use to create powerful offers online and offline:  Offline Gold Offers Unleashed

4. Gold Membership At Gold Membership is the premier resource for internet marketers selling their services to brick and mortar businesses.

Gold membership includes a wealth of reports, video, audio, threads and ongoing guidance from experts in the industry...
13 Reasons To Join

5. Free Lunch Referral Strategy
pdf Download

Free lunch referral strategy pdf download
If you'd like a copy of the Free Lunch Referral Strategy you can have access to in the future on your own computer you can.

Download this web page as a pdf for future reference as my FREE gift to you.

Just right click on this link and save.